English Literature Paper - I (1999)
CSS Solved Past Papers of English Literature 1999, CSS Solved Past Papers, CSS Five Year Past Papers Solved, CSS Solved English Literature Past Papers, CSS Solved Five Year English Literature Papers.
(A) George Eliot
(B) Byron
(C) John Mill ✓
(D) Hardy
(2) Which of the following poems by Tennyson is a monodrama?
(A) Ulysses
(B) Break, Break, Break
(C) Maud ✓
(D) Crossing the Bar
(3) The line “she dwells with Beauty – Beauty that must be” occurs in Keats’
(A) Lamia
(B) Ode to a Grecian Urn
(C) Ode on Melancholy ✓
(D) Endymion
(4) Negative Capability to Keats, means
(A) The ability to sympathize with other
(B) Say bad thing, about others
(C) To empathize ✓
(D) Hard Times
(5) “Art for arts sake” found its true adherent in:
(A) Wordsworth
(B) Byron
(C) Browning
(D) Wilde ✓
(6) It as the best of times, it was the worst of time, it was the worst – the opening of Dickens’
(A) Hard Times
(B) David Copperfield
(C) Oliver Twist
(D) A Tales of Two Cities ✓
(7) The character of Little Neil is a creation of:
(A) Hardy
(B) Eliot
(C) Oscar Wilde
(D) Dickens ✓
(8) “Idylls of the King” is illustration of Tennyson’s deep interest in:
(A) Medieval legends
(B) The role of the king ✓
(C) Hero worship
(D) The contemporary condition
(9) Who believed that poetry is the spontaneous overflow of emotions?
(A) Blake
(B) Byron
(C) Wordsworth ✓
(D) Keats
(c) Wordsworth
(10) Who after the publication of a poem, awoke and found himself famous?
(A) Shelley
(B) Browning
(C) Wordsworth ✓
(D) Keats
(11) The image of the femme fatale dominates the poetry of:
(A) Wordsworth
(B) Keats ✓
(C) Byron
(D) Tennyson
(12) Little Time is a character in Hardy’s
(A) The return of the native
(B) Jude the Obscure ✓
(C) Mayor of Casterbridge
(D) The Boer War
(13) Which is the famous elegy written by Shelley?
(A) In Memoriam
(B) Lycidas
(C) Adonis ✓
(D) Thyrsis
(14) The moral choice is everything in the works of:
(A) Dickens ✓
(B) George Eliot
(C) Hardy
(D) The Boer War
(15) Which of the following is illustrative of Ruskin’s interest in social economy?
(A) The Seven Lamps
(B) Unto this Last ✓
(C) The Stones of Venice
(D) The Boer War
(16) Which one of the following poets named the Romantic poet as the “pond poets”?
(A) Southey ✓
(B) Shelley
(C) Keats
(D) Byron
(17) The Charge of the Light Brigade” (Tennyson) commemorates:
(A) The Boer War
(B) The battle of Trafalgar
(C) The Crimean War ✓
(D) Tragic Drama
(18) The Elgin Marbles inspired Keats to write:
(A) Endymion
(B) Lamia
(C) The Grecian Urn ✓
(D) Melancholy
(19) Would you tell Sordelo (Browning) as a:
(A) Dramatic Monologue
(B) Dramatic Lyrics ✓
(C) Tragic Drama
(D) The Boer War
(20) Which one of the following poets was appointed Poet Laureate in the year 1813?
(A) Tennyson
(B) Byron
(C) Southey ✓
(D) Wordsworth
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