Universe General Knowledge One Liner MCQs

Universe General Knowledge One Liner MCQs 

  • Cheron is the moon of Pluto
  • Total number of satellites are 31 (chk: 50)
  • Blue color of sky is due to Tyndal Effect
  • Our solar system contains 50 satelites 
  • Total planets in solar system are 8
  • Distance of sun from earth is 150 million km = 1 a.u (angstrom unit)
  • Moon from earth is 385,000 km
  • Outer surface of sum is called photosphere
  • Sun has 90% hydrogen, 8% helium and 2% other elements.
  • Temperature at surface of sun is 6000K and at its center 20 million K
  • Venus reflects highest percentage of light
  • Morning star is called to Venus.
  • Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise
  • Rhea is the fifth natural satellite of Saturn.
  • Speed of earth in orbit around sun is 8.5 miles per second.
  • The only planet which rotates on its axis from East to West is Uranus
  • Uranus is called lopsided planet
  • Uranus contain atmosphere of Hydrogen and Helium
  • Period of rotation of earth on axis is 1 day or 23 hrs, 56 minutes & 4.09 seconds.
  • Period of revolution of Earth around Sun is 356 days, 6 hrs, 9 minutes & 9.54 seconds.
  • Volume of Earth is 260 billion cubic miles.
  • Weight of earth is 6586x10 power 18 tons
  • Rings of Saturn were discovered by Galileo in 1610
  • Titan, the largest moon in solar system is of Saturn
  • Triton is a satellite of Neptune
  • Planet referred as Morning Star and Evening Star is Venus
  • Venus’ atmosphere is 90 times thicker than earth’s.
  • The temperature of Venus’ surface is about 430 deg: C
  • Biggest Comet known to man is kohoutek
  • Only planet whose day is longer than its year is Venus
  • Brightest visible star is Sirus
  • Star nearest to earth is Sun
  • Atmosphere of sun has 3 layers
  • Sun spots are the cooler areas of sun
  • In 28 days moon returns to the same position in its orbit
  • The light coming from stars give the idea of their temperature. 
  • A light year is equal to 9.46 trillion km
  • Sun radiated energy equal to 10 trillion of TNT explosion
  • Mercury is nearest to the sun, smallest and fastest planet, with shortest rotation time. Moon = 0
  • Venus is the brightest, hottest, closest to earth and earth’s twin in size and mass, has largest quantity of CO2 Moon = 0
  • Earth is most dense, watery, bios planet. Moon = 1
  • This is an instrument used for measuring the altitude of a celestial body: sextant
  • Mars moon = 2- Phobos and Deimos
  • Mars is named after the Roman god of war.
  • Mars is called Red planet
  • Mars is half the size of earth
  • Europa is a moon of Mars (chk
  • Mars contain atmosphere of carbondioxide
  • Jupiter is largest, with largest number of satellites, smallest day, with a red spot. Moon = 63
  • Jupiter is 11(or 10) times larger than earth
  • Europa is the moon of Jupiter.
  • CHIIRON is the larges comet in the universe.
  • Solar eclipse occurs at new moon
  • Sun is 400 times larger than moon
  • Lunar eclipse occurs at full moon.
  • Halos around the moon are formed because of the phenomenon of ___ (optical phenomena)
  • Jupiter is the fastest planet of the solar system
  • The Asteroid Belt is found between which of the following planets? Mars and Jupiter
  • The visible part of the Sun is called Photosphere 
  • Corona is the outer most halo of the Sun.
  • Mercury and Venus are without Satellites.
  • The largest crater on the surface of moon is called to Bailly.
  • The earth is calculated to b 4540 million years old.
  • A ‘shooting star’ is a meteor.
  • At 7050 km per hour, Sun rotate on its axis.
  • 510 million square kilometers is the total surface area of the earth.
  • The northern polar lights are called Aurorae Borealis, and southern polar lights are called Aurorae Australis.
  • The pulsating universe theory explains the evolution of universe.
  • 760 miles/hr is the speed of sound.
  • 1480, 00,000 km is the distance from sun to earth.
  • Temperature of Sun is 6000 degree C.
  • Saturn is least dense moon = 56
  • Saturn is the second largest planet.
  • Planet with maximum number of moons is Saturn
  • Planet with ring is Saturn
  • Uranus moon = 12, Uranus gives greenish glow
  • Neptune is the coldest, slowest, largest year moon = 8
  • Rank of earth as per size is Fifth
  • Revolution period of earth is 365.25 days
  • In a leap year there are 29 days in Febrary
  • Earth is older than moon
  • Sun light takes 8.3 min to reach earth or 510 seconds
  • Time required to moon light to reach earth is 1.3 seconds
  • Light can circle earth 7 times in a________.
  • Sun is 109 times bigger than earth.
  • Light travels fastest in vaccum
  • Rhea is the fifth natural satellite of saturn
  • Coldest, smallest and farthest planet Neptune
  • Asteroids are small planets revolving round the sun
  • Sun is the brightest star in the universe
  • A shooting star is called a meteor
  • Our galaxy is spiral known as Milky Way
  • Shape of our milky way is spiral
  • The milky way extends through the distance of 10 power 5 light years
  • Super Nova is a dying star
  • Nearest spiral galaxy to Milky Way is Andromeda galaxy
  • Nearest start to our sun is Alpha Centauri
  • Biggest star in our galaxy is Proxima Centauri
  • A collection of galaxies is called cluster
  • .moon is 81 times lighter than earth
  • Moon has 7% reflection as compared to earth (i.e poor reflection)
  • Moon has 1/6th gravitation as that of earth
  • Moon’s 59% surface is visible from earth
  • Mass of moon is 1/8th to that of the earth
  • Moon has no atmosphere
  • Sun is closer to earth in January
  • At perihelion, earth is nearest tosun
  • Earth’s axis is inclined at an angle of 66 ½ deg: to the plane of its orbit around the sun or the axis is inclined at 23 ½ deg: from the vertical
  • Soros cycle is the largest interval between two total solar eclipses about 18 years
  • Sun has 27 day rotation period 
  • Moon’s rotation period is equal to the Earth’s
  • Rotation period of earth is 23hrs, 56min, 4sec
  • Earth rotates around on axis pointing towards the Polar Star
  • Revolution period is 365 ¼ days = 365.25 days, ¼ is added for leap year
  • Duration of day at poles is 6 months.
  • Equinox means equal days and nights
  • Sun’s energy is called Insulation
  • The visible yellow face of sun is called Photosphere
  • The gravity of sun is 28 times greater than that of earth
  • Moon completes 13 circles in a year around earth
  • Sun is 13 x 10 power 5 times larger than earth
  • Maximum duration of solar eclipse is 7 min 40 sec
  • Sun reaches its maximum angular distance from Equator at Solistice
  • Millions of asteroids orbit the sun in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
  • Asteroids (minor planets) are make of rock, metal or a mixture of both.
  • First asteroid discovered was Ceres by Italian astronomer Guiseppe Piazzi in 1801.
  • Ceres is the largest asteroid
  • Chiron is one of several distant asteroids which orbit between Jupiter and Uranus
  • The largest crater on the surface of moon is called to Bailly.
  • Corona is the outer most halo of the Sun.
  • Comet is made of ice and dust
  • Edmond Halley was the first to calculate the path of a comet and predict when it would be seen again.
  • Halley’s comet was named in his honor though he did not discover it.
  • The patterns in stars are called constellations.
  • In 1930, astronomers finally agreed how to divide the whole sky into 88 areas, which are called constellations.
  • Closest star is Gienah
  • Speed of light is 3,00,000 km/sec
  • Which planet is named after the Roman god of war? Mars
  • Galaxies are the families of stars.
  • About 80% of galaxies are elliptical and other are spiral
  • Elliptical galaxies contain very little gas and dust and hardly any new stars are born in them.
  • Spiral galaxies are disk shaped and usually have clouds of dust and gas where new stars are born.
  • Light travels at 3,00,000 km/s. the speed at which you can round the world seven times in very second.
  • Light takes 8 minutes to reach the earth from sun.
  • In space light travels 9461 million million km in a year. Astronomers call this distance a light year.
  • Two planet Earth’s could fit side by side inside the Great Red Spot of Jupiter.
  • Jupiter’s volcanic moon is called IO and other moons are Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
  • Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system.
  • Europa is the moon of Jupiter
  • The moon has no atmosphere because its gravitational pull is not strong enough to hold an atmosphere
  • Chondrite meteorites are the oldest rocks in the solar system.
  • Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise. 
  • ‘Galileo Satellites’, named after their discoverer, are four large moons of the planet 
  • Mars contain atmosphere of Carbon dioxide and Uranus contain atmosphere of Hydrogen and Helium.
  • Venus is about the same size as Earth.
  • Venus’s atmosphere is 90 times thicker than our. It traps so well that the temperature of Venus’s surface is about 430 degree centigrade.
  • Closest star is (Gienah) 680,000 million, million, kilometers. 
  • Nicolous Copernicus (1473-1543) was born in Poland. He was the first to explain the solar system.
  • Chiron is one of several distant asteroids with orbits between Jupiter and Uranus.
  • In the Solar system there are 2 Mount Olympus's Greece and where- Mars
  • What is the brightest star always in the Northern sky-Vega
  • The most common element in the universe is Nitrogen.
  • Hydra is the largest of the 88 constellations found in the universe. It covers about 3.16 % of the entire sky.
  • The M-class supergiant Betelgease with a diametre of 700 million kms is the largest star of the universe. It is about 500 times greater than the sun.
  • What is the common name for the star Sirius: Dog Star
  • Pluto (the Planet) was almost called what name-Zeus
  • When a satellite is closest to Earth its position is called what Perigee
  • 30 km/s is the approximate mean velocity with which earth moves round the Sun in its orbit.
  • The earth’s reflectivity of solar radiation is termed as albedo.
  • Joseph von Fraunhofer was the first to explain the presence of dark lines in the sun’s spectrum.
  • Light of sun reaches the earth in.....499 seconds
  • Hale-Bopp comet was the most distant comet ever discovered which became visible in December, 1996.
  • What is the name of the largest moon of Jupiter-Ganymede
  • M31 is the nearest galaxy to us - what is its other name-Andromeda
  • The earth is the densest planet of universe .It has density of 5.515 time that of water.
  • Halos around the moon are formed because of the phenomenon of ___ (optical phenomena)
  • What is unique about the pistol star- Brightest in sky
  • Name the first teddy bear in space- Mishka 1980 Olympic mascot
  • What celestial body gets its name from the Greek long haired Comet
  • What's unusual about the moons of Uranus-Named Shakespeare characters
  • First artificial satellite was Sputnik-I sent by Soviet Union on October 4, 1957
  • Sputnik-II on November 3, 1957 took a female dog Laika into space
  • On July 20, 1969 US Apollo 11 touched down the moon
  • Skylab was launched in 1973 by US.
  • What country launched its first space rocket January 1961-Italy
  • What happened to Laika first dog in space Suffocated no air burned re-entry
  • A Russian space programs name meant East what was it Vostok
  • What was the first man made object to leave the solar system Pioneer 10
  • Voyager I, spacecraft introduced ring system of Jupiter.
  • Escape velocity is 24800 miles/hour or 7 miles/sec
  • First human in space is Yuri Gagrin 1961 on USSR
  • Appolo crew returned to earth with 382 kg of moon soil
  • First space scientist was Henry Quendish
  • Man entered in space on 14 October 1957
  • First American shuttle to land on moon named “Bamini” in March, 1966
  • First woman in space was Valentine Khurachoof in 14 June, 1963
  • America launched its first space station in 1973
  • In 1979 Sky Lab was destroyed in earth’s atmosphere
  • In 1986, Russia launched its space station Mir
  • Hubble telescope launched in April 243, 1990 through Discovery Shuttle
  • Apollo XI enabled man to step on moon
  • Russian cosmonaut Valery Polyakov holds the record for the longest stay in space. He spent 437 days in orbit in the Mir Space Station.
  • The first American Astronaut to go into space was Allen Shepherd.
  • First space vehicle to land on moon was Luna-9
  • Voyager I, spacecraft introduced ring system of Jupiter.
  • Pioneer 10 and 11 launched in 1973 and 1974, voyager 1 & 2 in 1979 and Galileo in 1995 were missions sent to Jupiter
  • Astronomers know of over 50 moons orbiting Jupiter.
  • Vostok I carried first man in space.
  • Telstar, the world’s first communication satellite was launched in 1962.
  • Mercury project, first manned space programme of USA, carried the first American into space on 5th May 1961.
  • Sputnik II, first artificial satellite was launched on 3 Nov: 1957.
  • Lovell telescope is at Jodrell Bank (Site for space observatory).
  • Yuri Gagarin (Russia) cosmonauts became first traveler in space in 1961.
  • The first American Astronaut to go into space was Allen Shepherd
  • Russian Cosmonaut valley polyakov holds the record for the longest stay in space. He spent 437 days in orbit in the Mir Space Station.
  • What was the first food consumed on the moon in Apollo 11- Turkey
  • The first person to orbit the earth in space. John Glenn
  • Columbia Space shuttle broke up on re-entry to Earth on Feb 1, 2003.
  • Skylab was space laboratory launched in 1973 by USA.
  • First women in space Valentine Tereshkove went into space in Vostoc 6 on 16 June 1963.
  • On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldren landed on the moon.
  • Geostationary Orbit is at a height of 36,000 km.
  • Pathfinder is robot craft that landed on Mars in 1997.

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