First Biggest Largest General Knowledge MCQs – 20
01. Which is the oldest written language in the world?(A) Sanskrit
(B) Chinese ✓
(C) Japanese
(D) English
02. Which metal has the highest electrical conductivity?
(A) Silver
(B) Tungsten ✓
(C) Copper
(D) Iron
03. Name the largest populous country of the Islamic World?
(A) Indonesia ✓
(B) Pakistan
(C) Bangladesh
(D) Turkey
04. In which country the largest oil field Ghawar field is located?
(A) Saudi Arabia ✓
(B) Kuwait
(C) Russia
05. Which country is the largest oil consumer in the world?
(A) USA ✓
(B) Russia
(C) Pakistan
(D) China
06. Which country possesses the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world?
(A) Japan ✓
(B) Canada
(C) Germany
07. Name the first man to sail round the world is:
(A) Ferdinand Magellan ✓
(B) John Maynard
(C) Milton Friedman
(D) None of these
08. Which is the largest producer of coffee in the world?
(A) Brazil ✓
(B) Sri Lanka
(C) Pakistan
(D) Myanmar
09. Which is the oldest Stock Exchange Market in the world?
(A) New York
(B) Amsterdam ✓
(C) Flamburg
(D) London
10. The fastest flying bird is:
(A) Indian Falcon
(B) African Sparrow
(C) African Falcon
(D) The Peregrine falcon ✓
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