Airlines of the World General Knowledge MCQs - 5
1. Kirtat Airline belongs to________.(a) Russia
(b) India ✓
(c) Nepal
(d) China
2. Sun Airline belongs to________.
(a) Russia
(b) China
(c) Nepal ✓
(d) Myanmar
3. Which of the following airlines is considered the oldest airline of the world
(a) Orient Airline (Pakistan)
(b) KLM Airline (Holland) ✓
(c) Dalta Airline (USA)
(d) Aeroflot airline (Russia)
4. Keyyong airline belongs to________.
(a) China
(b) Russia ✓
(c) Canada
(d) USA
5. “Velma Airways” is the airline of:
(a) Russia
(b) Yeman
(c) Congo
(d) Zaire ✓
6. Leaven Airline belongs to________.
(a) Holland ✓
(b) Sweden
(c) Belgium
(d) Canada
7. BIMAN is the Air- line of
(a) Sri Lanka
(b) Cambodia
(c) Afghanistan
(d) Bangladesh ✓
8. 38th Parallel line is a boundary lien between
(a) Myanmer and Thailand
(b) Thailand and Malaysia
(c) India and China
(d) South and North Korea ✓
9. Which country has most airports in the world?
(a) China
(b) USA ✓
(c) Russia
(d) Canada
10. Which is the largest airline of the world?
(a) Aeroflot, Russia ✓
(c) Lufthansa, France
(d) Air India, India
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