Straits General Knowledge MCQs - 2
1. Sea of Marmara and Aegean sea are connected by the strait __________.(a) Davis
(b) Mozambique
(c) Dardanelles
(d) Malacca ✓
2. Bass strait separates Australia from
(a) Newzealand
(b) Papua New Guinea ✓
(c) lasmania
(d) None of these
3. Cook strait separates South Newzealand from __________.
(a) North Australia
(b) North Newzeland ✓
(c) Papua
(d) None of these
4. English channel separates England from
(a) Italy
(b) France
(c) Germany ✓
(d) Sicily
5. Identify the famous strait located in Mediterranean sea?
(a) Bering Strait
(b) China Strait
(c) Strait of Gibralter ✓
(d) Harmoz Strait
6. Which of the following strait separate Asia from north America?
(a) Bering Strait
(b) Plak Strait
(c) Harmoz Strait
(d) None of these ✓
7. Which is the Broadest strait of the world?
(a) Palk Strait ✓
(b) Messina Strait
(c) Mozambique Strait
(d) None of these
8. Which of the following straits separate Asia from Africa?
(a) Bering Strait
(b) Bab-al-Mandab ✓
(c) Bosphorous Strait
(d) None of these
9. Which of the following straits separate Florida from Cuba?
(a) Cuba Strait
(b) Florida Strait ✓
(c) Mexico Strait
(d) None of these
10. Malacca strait is located in __________.
(a) Malaysia
(b) Indonesia ✓
(c) India
(d) Canada
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