Essay by CSPs -Recommended
1. Intoduction
The most important part of an essay is introduction. Introduction is one of that part of an essay which makes a difference in ordinary and high profile essay. The introduction should be in proportion to the length of an essay. Neither too short nor too long introduction is preffered. A short intro shows your lack of knowledge and a long intro bores a reader. Intro should be of 1 or at the most of 2 paras of proportional length to your other paras. In CSS if you are writing a 20 page essay the intro should be of one page or just a few lines above or less then one page.
The intro should include the gist of your essay. It should include whatever you want to be in your essay. E.g. If one is writing essay on Economy its problems and remedial measures. Ones intro should include a hint regarding present condition, problems, and steps taken for its recovery. It should be a precie of your whole essay.
The Intro should be in simple but sober words and if some relevant quotation is included at the start will make it more powerful.
2. Motivational Phase
This is the part of essay which makes the reader to read the complete essay. These are a few lines and an ideal motivational phse should be the last lines of your intro. A new paragraph can also be used for this phase but should be in a complete harmony and continuation with the intro. This phase is a part which motivates the reader to go through the whole of your essay. This phase should produce some thrill and suspence for the reader. This phase is the conclusion of your intro and a start for the main body of essay
3. Body of the essay
This part of the essay should include all your ideas. It should be the explanation of your intro in which each and every idea is discussed in different paras. The paras should of normal length and in proportion to one another. Some very long and some short paras will destroy the beauty of your essay. One idea should be discuseed in one or at the most in two paras. The ending line of each para should be an introduction to the next para. This will give a chain like and a continuation to your essay. This continuation should not break else will destroy the beauty of your essay. Try to give all your ideas and disscuss all the available points in this part of the essay.
4. Own View point.
This is also one of the most important parts of an essay and is considered as the conclusion of your body of the essay and an introduction to the conclusion of the essay as a whole. This part should include your own views and ideas. E.g. if you are writing on the topic of economy and you have discussed the current situation, the problems and the steps taken by the government then this part should include what you suggest about the steps taken and the remedial measure.
5. Conclusion of the essay.
This is the other part of the essay which makes the difference between the normal and high profile essay. It is also the gist of what ever you have written in the essay. It is almost the copy of the intro but the difference is in the expression. The intro is in simple words whereas the conclusion is in poetic, dramatic and heavy words.
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