All about Everyday Science Paper-Recommended
All about Everyday Science Paper(Yahya Akhunzada,DMG Group)
Here are some of my findings about everyday science.
Books for Every day science
Best one is Every day science by Kashmiri (Latest Edition)
Any other book u can find but the Kashmiri book is enough.
Importance of Every day Science Paper.
As this paper is mostly objective type and so one can easily score upto 90 or even above. so needs alot of preparation, ratta, and practice. If one can get good marks in this paper he can easily make a difference. Marks in this paper can b easily taken.
How to prepare....
Read the Kashmiri book thoroughly as much of times as u can. Read also the solved papers given at the end of the book.
Prepare objectives to the best, Prepare also common used abreviations in everyday science.
Ratta the objectives of old papers.
This is a pure ratta type subject and learn by heart everything specially old papers. Solve as much of old papers as u can.
How is the paper
In this subject there are 14 to 15 questions and one has to attempt 10 questions in all. so keep in mind that u attempt atleast as much questions as required.
The paper has mostly objective type questions 1 or 2 fill in the blanks, 1 choose the correct answer, 1 or2 abreviations, 1 true false, 1 diagramatic etc. these are really scoring questions. Rest are questions like write notes on topics so we can devide all questions in two parts 1. Objectives 2. notes
How to attempt.
Objective questions are really solid marks and if u are sure on 80% of objectives opt for that question rather then notes type if u r fully sure on that. But if u can attempt less then 80% of the objective question and u are 100% sure on notes question then go for the notes question.
About Diagrams...
Give as much as diagramatic representation as much as u can in the notes type questions.
Length of Answer (notes type questions)
The length of answer to notes depends upon marks. If it is of 2 marks write a small para but explaining all what is required. If it is of 5 marks then atleast write a page on it.
Note: keep an eye on time.
Nothing more technical in this paper as it is simple but needs a lot of hard work as it is really the highest scoring paper.
(Yahya Akhunzada)
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