General Science
1. The energy released on account of the motion of a body is termed as the:
A. potential energy
B. kinetic energy
C. relative velocity
D. None of these
2. Kilowatt is the measuring unit of:
A. power
B. current
C. work
D. energy
3. In which unit can we measure food energy?
A. Calorie
B. Keloin
C. Joule
D. Erg
4. The conservation of energy principle refers to the fact that:
A. it is essential not to waste natural gas and oil, for these are limited in supply
B. solar heating makes use of the sun’s energy, which would otherwise be wasted
C. energy can neither be created nor destroyed
D. nuclear-power plants recycle spent fuel
5. One HP is equal to ___ kg per meter per second.
A. 25
B. 50
C. 75
D. 10
6. When a constant force is applied to a body, it moves with uniform:
A. Speed
B. Velocity
C. Acceleration
D. Momentum
7. ‘Parsec’ is a unit of:
A. weight
B. time
C. speed
D. distance
8. Knot is unit of speed of which of the following?
A. Ship
B. Aeroplane
C. Light rays
D. Sound waves
9. Assume that - A denotes narrow wheel, A wider wheel, B denotes small free wheel, B larger free wheel, C denotes small gear wheel, C larger gear wheel, - in a rural area where there are sandy tracts, it will be advisable to use a bicycle with :
A. A, B, C
B. A, B, C
C. A, B, C
D. A, B, C
10. A wheel that has 6 cogs is meshed with a larger wheel of 14 cogs. When the smaller wheel has made 21 revolutions, the number of revolutions made by the larger wheel is:
A. 12
B. 49
C. 9
D. 4
11. If rubber tyres replace wheels in bullock carts then:
1. speed of bullock cart increases
2. load carrying capacity increases
3. the capacity of bullock to pull the cart at a stretch increases
4. None of the above
A. 1 & 3correct
B. 2 & 3correct
C. 1 & 2correct
D. 1, 2 & 3correct
12. Rolling a drum is easier than pulling it along a road beacuse:
A. rolling causes less friction
B. friction is more when the object is rolled
C. pulling willl damage the drum
D. None of the above
13. Walking on ice is more difficult than walking on concrete because ice:
A. gives less friction
B. gives more friction
C. is very cold and as such blood gets frozen up
D. being soft, one can get bogged down into it while walking
14. What should be done by a car driver if he is caught on the way by a severe thunder storm and lightening?
A. He should leave the wheel and lie down on the ground
B. He should remain inside the car with its window glasses all pulled up
C. Park the car beneath a tall tree
D. Just bite a piece of cotton firmly in between the two rows of teeth
15. Ball bearings are used in cycles and scooters to:
A. reduce the area of contact between the two surfaces in contact
B. reduce friction between wheel and axle
C. increase friction between wheel and axle
D. reduce friction between ground and vehicle
16. How do the centripetal forces pull a body?
A. Upward
B. Downward
C. Inwards
D. Outwards
17. When milk is churned, the cream separates from it due to the:
A. cohesive force
B. frictional force
C. centrifugal force
D. gravitational force
18. A body in circular motion requires:
A. centrifugal force
B. centripetal force
C. inertial force
D. gravitational force
19. The rising of ink to the point of nib in a fountain pen is due to:
A. surface tension
B. capillary action
C. gravitational attraction
D. None of the above
20. As one goes up the mountain one suffers from nose bleeding sometimes. The reason is that
A. blood pressure decreases at high altitudes
B. blood pressure increases at high altitudes
C. as one starts going up, the pressure of the blood capillaries becomes higher than the outside pressure
D. None of the above
21. Birds get thrust (forward motion) and lift (upward motion) from:
A. flapping of wings
B. twisting of feathers
C. shape of wings which is similar to aeroplane blades
D. air sacs
22. Small rain-drops are spherical in shape because of:
A. surface-tension
B. gravity
C. atmospheric pressure
D. evaporation
23. The cross-section of the water column in the given figure is circular. The diameter of the bigger limb is 4 cm and that of the smaller limb 2 cm. A force of 40kg is placed at the bigger end. What force will be required at the smaller end to keep the level of water balanced?
A. 20 kg
B. 80 kg
C. 160 kg
D. 10 kg
24. A body partially floats in water when:
A. the volume of the displaced water is greater than the volume of the body
B. a body immersed in fluid loses as much in weight as the weight of the displaced volume of the fluid
C. the mass of the displaced water is greater than the mass of the body
D. None of the above
25. Which of the following is used in diesel engine?
1. Cylinder
2. Spark plug
3. Piston
Choose your answer from the codes
given below :
A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 1 and 2
C. 2 and 3
D. 1 and 3
26. Iron is heavier than water, still the ship floats on the sea because
A. weight of the ship is less than the weight of water in the sea
B. weight of the ship is more than sea water
C. weight of the ship is less than the weight of water that the ship displaces
D. weight of ship is equal to the weight of water that ship displaces
27. The volume of an object will be maximum when it is:
A. spherical
B. rectangular
C. cone shaped
D. triangular
28. The mass of the body is different from its weight because:
A. mass is variable quantity whereas weight is constant
B. mass is constant but weight increases as the body moves from the poles to the Equator
C. mass varies very little at different places where as weight varies a lot
D. mass is a measure of the quantity of matter where as weight is a force
29. Which one of the following is a vector quantity?
A. volume
B. mass
C. weight
D. density
30. The weight of a body at the centre of the earth is:
A. increased
B. neutralised
C. decreased
D. the same
31. A certain amount of cold air will weigh heavier than the same amount of dry air because of the:
A. greater number of molecules at low temperature
B. lesser number of molecules at high temperature
C. greater energy of molecules at high temperature
D. lesser energy of molecules at high temperature
32. A free-floating astronaut ‘A’ pushes another free-floating astronaut ‘B’ in space. The mass of ‘A’ is greater than that of ‘B’. The force exerted by astronaut ‘A’ on astronaut ‘B’ will be:
A. equal to zero
B. equal to the force exerted by ‘B’ on ‘A’
C. greater than the force exerted by ‘B’on ‘A’
D. les than the force exerted by ‘B’ on ‘A’
33. On the lunar surface:
A. weight remains same but mass varies
B. mass ramains same but weight varies
C. both of them vary
D. None of the above is true
34. The effect of circular movements on a person in a satellite around the earth is that:
A. his mass becomes nil while the weight remains the same
B. his mass remains constant while weight becomes zero
C. his mass goes up while the weight remains unchanged
D. None of the above
35. A wooden block is floating in water. If 4/5 of its volume is immersed in water and volume of the water displaced is 800ml, the volume of the block is:
A. 1140 ml
B. 200 ml
C. 800 ml
D. 100 ml
36. A balloon filled with air is weighted (W) so that it just floats in water. When it is further pushed a short distance in water it will:
A. sink to the bottom
B. stay at the depth where it stands submerged
C. not come back to its original position
D. sink down a little further but will not reach the bottom
37. Oil, water and gas can be present in a well in the ascending order of:
A. water, oil, gas
B. gas, water, oil
C. water, gas, oil
D. oil, water, gas
38. Mercury is preferred to water in barometer because:
A. mercury is good conductor of heat
B. mercury is bright and hence its level can be easily read
C. mercury is available in pure form
D. mercury has high density and low surface tension
39. An aeroplane rises up:
A. on account of upward thrust of air
B. as the air over the aeroplane is denser than that under the plane
C. as the pressure over its wings is more than the pressure under them
D. as its nose is pointed upwards
40. A boat filed with some stones is floating in water. If the stones are dropped into the water, the level of the water will:
A. rise
B. decrease
C. remain the same
D. insufficient data to predict
41. When a ship enters sea from a river, its level:
A. remains same
B. rises
C. may or may not change
D. decreases
42. There is a hole in the boat through which water is seeping into the boat. Just before the boat capsizes :
A. water level in the boat will increase
B. water level will decrease
C. water level will remain constant
D. None of these
43. An ice cube is floating in a glass of water. How will the water level be affected when the ice cube melts?
A. The level of water will go up
B. The level of water will go down
C. The level of water will remain unchanged
D. In the beginning the level will go up but later on the level will go down
44. Fathom is the unit of:A. sound
B. depth
C. distance
D. frequency
45. Ordinary clocks lose time during summer. It is so because the length of their pendulum:
A. increases and so does the length of time
B. increases and therefore its duration of time decreases
C. decreases and therefore the length of time increases
D. decreases and therefore the length of time decreases
46. A body is attached to a spring balance suspended from a stand. The reading on the balance is 0.5 kg. The two together are detached from the stand and allowed to fall through a height. While falling the reading in the balance will be:
A. zero
B. less than 0.5kg but not zero
C. more than 0.5 kg depending on the height
D. 0.5 kg
47. Two bars of gold and silver are weighed by spring balance and read 200 gms each. These bars are then suspended in a liquid and weighed by using the same balance. What could be derived?
A. Gold will weigh more than silver
B. Silver will weigh more than gold
C. Both the bars will be equal in weight
D. Nothing can be said, unless the density of the liquid is known
48. Which one of the following will take place when a watch based on oscillating spring is taken to a deep mine?
A. It will become slow
B. It will become fast
C. It will indicate the same time as on earth
D. It will stop working
49. Very small-time intervals are accurately measured by the:
A. pulsars
B. while dwarfs
C. atomic clocks
D. quartz clocks
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