Scientific Studies of Various Fields
- acarology-- study of mites
- accidence-- grammar book; science of inflections in grammar
- aceology-- therapeutics
- acology -- study of medical remedies
- acoustics -- science of sound
- adenology -- study of glands
- aedoeology -- science of generative organs
- aerobiology -- study of airborne organisms
- aerodonetics-- science or study of gliding
- aerodynamics -- dynamics of gases; science of movement in a flow of air or gas
- bacteriology -- study of bacteria
- balneology -- the science of the therapeutic use of baths
- barodynamics-- science of the support and mechanics of bridges
- barology-- study of gravitation
- batology-- the study of brambles
- bibliology-- study of books
- bibliotics-- study of documents to determine authenticity
- bioecology-- study of interaction of life in the environment
- biology -- study of life
- biometrics-- study of biological measurement
- bionomics-- study of organisms interacting in their environments
- botany-- study of plants
- bromatology -- study of food
- brontology -- scientific study of thunder
- campanology-- the art of bell ringing
- carcinology-- study of crabs and other crustaceans
- cardiology-- study of the heart
- caricology-- study of sedges
- carpology -- study of fruit
- cartography -- the science of making maps and globes
- cartophily-- the hobby of collecting cigarette cards
- castrametation -- the art of designing a camp
- catacoustics--science of echoes or reflected sounds
- catalactics-- science of commercial exchange
- catechectics -- the art of teaching by question and answer
- cetology -- study of whales and dolphins
- chalcography-- the art of engraving on copper or brass
- chalcotriptics-- art of taking rubbings from ornamental brasses
- chaology -- the study of chaos or chaos theory
- characterology -- study of development of character
- chemistry-- study of properties of substances
- chirocosmetics-- beautifying the hands; art of manicure
- diabology-- study of devils
- diagraphics-- art of making diagrams or drawings
- dialectology -- study of dialects
- dioptrics -- study of light refraction
- diplomatics -- science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
- diplomatology-- study of diplomats
- docimology-- the art of assaying
- dosiology-- the study of doses
- dramaturgy -- art of producing and staging dramatic works
- E to I
- Egyptology-- study of ancient Egypt
- ekistics-- study of human settlement
- electrochemistry-- study of relations between electricity and chemicals
- electrology -- study of electricity
- electrostatics-- study of static electricity
- embryology-- study of embryos
- emetology -- study of vomiting
- emmenology -- the study of menstruation
- endemiology-- study of local diseases
- endocrinology-- study of glands
- enigmatology-- study of enigmas
- entomology-- study of insects
- entozoology-- study of parasites that live inside larger organisms
- enzymology-- study of enzymes
- ephebiatrics-- branch of medicine dealing with adolescence
- epidemiology-- study of diseases; epidemics
- fluviology -- study of watercourses
- folkloristics-- study of folklore and fables
- futurology-- study of future
- garbology-- study of garbage
- gastroenterology -- study of stomach; intestines
- gastronomy-- study of fine dining
- gemmology-- study of gems and jewels
- genealogy-- study of descent of families
- genesiology-- study of reproduction and heredity
- genethlialogy-- the art of casting horoscopes
- geochemistry-- study of chemistry of the earth's crust
- geochronology--- study of measuring geological time
- geogeny-- science of the formation of the earth's crust
- geogony-- study of formation of the earth
- geography-- study of surface of the earth and its inhabitants
- geology -- study of earth's crust
- geomorphogeny-- study of the origins of land forms
- geoponics-- study of Agriculture
- hydrography-- study of investigating bodies of water
- hydrokinetics-- study of motion of fluids
- hydrology-- study of water resources
- hydrometeorology-- study of atmospheric moisture
- hydropathy -- study of treating diseases with water
- hyetology-- science of rainfall
- hygiastics -- science of health and hygiene
- hygienics-- study of sanitation; health
- hygiology-- hygienics; study of cleanliness
- hygrology-- study of humidity
- hygrometry -- science of humidity
- hymnography-- study of writing hymns
- hymnology -- study of hymns
- hypnology-- study of sleep; study of hypnosis
- hypsography-- science of measuring heights
- iamatology -- study of remedies
- iatrology-- treatise or text on medical topics; study of medicine
- iatromathematics-- archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology
- ichnography-- art of drawing ground plans; a ground plan
- ichnology-- science of fossilized footprints
- ichthyology-- study of Fish
- iconography-- study of drawing symbols
- iconology-- study of icons; symbols
- ideogeny-- study of origins of ideas
- ideology -- science of ideas; system of ideas used to justify behaviour
- idiomology-- study of idiom, jargon or dialect
- idiopsychology-- psychology of one's own mind
- immunogenetics-- study of genetic characteristics of immunity
- immunology-- study of immunity
- immunopathology-- study of immunity to disease
- insectology -- study of insects
- irenology -- the study of peace
- K to O
- koniology -- study of atmospheric pollutants and dust
- ktenology -- science of putting people to death
- kymatology -- study of wave motion
- labeorphily-- collection and study of beer bottle labels
- larithmics-- study of population statistics
- laryngology -- study of larynx
- lepidopterology -- study of butterflies and moths
- leprology-- study of leprosy
- lexicology -- study of words and their meanings
- lexigraphy-- art of definition of words
- lichenology -- study of lichens
- limacology-- study of slugs
- limnobiology-- study of freshwater ecosystems
- limnology -- study of bodies of fresh water
- linguistics -- study of language
- lithology-- malariology study of malaria
- mammalogy-- study of mammals
- manège-- the art of horsemanship
- Mariology-- study of the Virgin Mary
- martyrology-- study of martyrs
- mastology-- study of mammals
- mathematics-- study of magnitude, number, and forms
- mazology-- mammalogy; study of mammals
- mechanics -- study of action of force on bodies
- meconology-- study of or treatise concerning opium
- melittology -- study of bees
- mereology-- study of part-whole relationships
- mesology -- ecology
- metallogeny-- study of the origin and distribution of metal deposits
- metallography-- study of the structure and constitution of metals
- metallurgy-- study of alloying and treating metals
- nidology -- study of nests
- nomology-- the science of the laws; especially of the mind
- noology-- science of the intellect
- nosology -- study of diseases
- nostology-- study of senility
- notaphily-- collecting of bank-notes and cheques
- numerology -- study of numbers
- numismatics-- study of coins
- nymphology-- study of nymphs
- obstetrics-- study of midwifery
- oceanography-- study of oceans
- oceanology -- study of oceans
- odology -- science of the hypothetical mystical force of od
- odontology-- study of teeth
- oenology-- study of wines
- oikology -- science of housekeeping
- olfactology-- study of the sense of smell
- ombrology -- study of rain
- oncology -- study of tumours
- oneirology -- study of dreams
- orthography-- study of spelling
- orthopterology-- study of cockroaches
- oryctology -- mineralogy or paleontology
- osmics-- scientific study of smells
- osmology-- study of smells and olfactory processes
- osphresiology-- study of the sense of smell
- osteology -- study of bones
- otology -- study of the ear
- otorhinolaryngology-- study of ear, nose and throat
- P to T
- paedology-- study of children
- paedotrophy-- art of rearing children
- paidonosology-- study of children's diseases; pediatrics
- palaeoanthropology-- study of early humans
- palaeobiology -- study of fossil plants and animals
- palaeoclimatology-- study of ancient climates
- palaeolimnology-- study of ancient Fish
- palaeolimnology-- study of ancient lakes
- palaeontology-- study of fossils
- philately-- study of postage stamps
- philematology -- the act or study of kissing
- phillumeny-- collecting of matchbox labels
- philology -- study of ancient texts; historical linguistics
- philosophy-- science of knowledge or wisdom
- phoniatrics -- study and correction of speech defects
- phonology -- study of speech sounds
- psychology-- study of mind
- psychopathology-- study of mental illness
- psychophysics-- study of link between mental and physical processes
- pteridology -- study of ferns
- pterylology -- study of distribution of feathers on birds
- pyretology -- study of fevers
- pyrgology -- study of towers
- pyroballogy-- study of artillery
- pyrography-- study of woodburning
- quinology -- study of quinine
- raciology-- study of racial differences
- radiology-- study of X-rays and their medical applications
- reflexology-- study of reflexes
- rhabdology -- knowledge or learning concerning divining rods
- rhabdology -- art of calculating using numbering rods
- rheology -- science of the deformation or flow of matter
- rheumatology-- study of rheumatism
- rhinology-- study of the nose
- rhochrematics-- science of inventory management and the movement of products
- runology -- study of runes
- sarcology-- study of fleshy parts of the body
- satanology -- study of the devil
- scatology-- study of excrement or obscene literature
- schematonics-- art of using gesture to express tones
- sciagraphy-- art of shading
- scripophily -- collection of bond and share certificates
- sedimentology -- study of sediment
- seismology -- study of earthquakes
- selenodesy-- study of the shape and features of the moon
- selenology-- study of the moon
- semantics -- study of meaning
- semantology-- science of meanings of words
- semasiology-- study of meaning; semantics
- topology-- study of places and their natural features
- toponymics-- study of place-names
- toreutics -- study of artistic work in metal
- toxicology -- study of poisons
- toxophily -- love of archery; archery; study of archery
- traumatology-- study of wounds and their effects
- tribology -- study of friction and wear between surfaces
- trichology-- study of hair and its disorders
- trophology-- study of nutrition
- tsiganology-- study of gypsies
- turnery-- art of turning in a lathe
- typhlology-- study of blindness and the blind
- typography-- art of printing or using type
- typology-- study of types of things
- U to Z
- ufology-- study of alien spacecraft
- uranography-- descriptive astronomy and mapping
- uranology-- study of the heavens; astronomy
- urbanology-- study of cities
- urenology-- study of rust molds
- urology -- study of urine; urinary tract
- venereology-- study of venereal disease
- vermeology-- study of worms
- vexillology-- study of flags
- victimology-- study of victims
- vinology -- scientific study of vines and winemaking
- virology-- study of viruses
- vitrics-- glassy materials; glassware; study of glassware
- volcanology -- study of volcanoes
- vulcanology-- study of volcanoes
- xylography-- art of engraving on wood
- xylology -- study of wood
- zenography-- study of the planet Jupiter
- zoiatrics-- veterinary surgery
- zooarchaeology-- study of animal remains of archaeological sites
- zoochemistry-- chemistry of animals
- zoogeography-- study of geographic distribution of animals
- zoogeology -- study of fossil animal remains
- zoology-- study of animals
- zoonomy-- animal physiology
- zoonosology-- study of animal diseases
- zoopathology-- study of animal diseases
- zoophysics-- physics of animal bodies
- zoophysiology -- study of physiology of animals
- zoophytology-- study of plant-like animals
- zoosemiotics-- study of animal communication
- zootaxy-- science of classifying animals
- zootechnics-- science of breeding animals
- zygology -- science of joining and fastening
- zymology -- science of fermentation
- zymurgy-- branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
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