PPSC Past Papers of Assistant Director IB
1.What is the Current Islamic
2.How many haj performed by Hazrat Mohammad pbuh---
3. Where was last revelation
during hijatul wida
4.What is the shortest surah:
5.Which surah is the heart of Quran:
6.Who was given the title of Ghaseel ul malaika:
Hanzilla(r a)
7.What is the no. of total *surah:
8.What is the first month of Islamic calendar:
9. Hazrat Mohammad PBUH called himself
10. Last revelation at ?:
Hijja tul widah.
11. What was arfa karims age is the time of death:
12. Who is us ambassador to Pakistan:
Cameron Mentor
13. Who is Pakistan ambassador to
united nations:
Abdullah Haroon
14. Where does business train go to and
Lahore Karachi
15. What is the name of Oscar winning
documentary of shirmeen:
Saving Face
16. What drug was reported to be the
cause of death in the Punjab institute of cardiology:
17. What is the cost of stamp of arfa
karim released on her birthday:
18. Who is Pakistan ambassador to US:
Sherry Rehman
19. Who is the first female foreign
affairs minister of Pakistan:
20. What is the cause of mehran bank
illegal fund to politicians
21. Which English crickerter was jailed
for spot fixing:
22. Where were academy awards,2012
Los Angeles
23. Christain wulff who resigned as
head of state belonged to which country:
24. Who is the secretary of state of
25. What is the total no. of
ammendements in 1973 constitution:
26. Where are Olympic 2012 going to be
27. Pakistan beat England in test
series in what ratio:
28. Who is the secretary general of
united nations:
Ban ki moon
29. WHO recently declared which country
as polio free:
30. Which is the largest seaport of
Karachi( not 100%)
31. Where is arfa karim software park
Lahore(ferozpur Rd)
32. Where is Benazir shaheed
international airport: Islam Abad33. Who is the current cricket chief
selector of Pakistan:
Iqbal Qasim
34. On which river has mangla dam been
35. What is the boundary between
Afghanistan and Pakistan:
Durand Line
36. Where is siachin glacier:
37. Pakistan derby horse race,2012 was
won by which horse:
38. Who is the current chairman of
Nayyer Bukhari
39. What does light year measure?:
Distance( b/w) stars*
40. Which is the hardest substance on
41. What happens to temperature of
boiling water on a higher elevation:
42. Which disease is caused by dogs:
43. What is the temperature of human
body in farhenheits:
44. Swimming pool water is disinfected
by which chemical:
45. Blindness is caused by deficiency
of which vitamin…
Vitamin A
46. Vitamin c is richest in which
47. Soda water is carbonated by adding
48. One mile has how many kilometres:
49. What is the unit of energy:
50. What is the filament of electric
bulb made of:
51. What is added in lead pencils:
52. How does sunlight enter the rooms?
53. How many colors are visible in the
sunlight spectrum:
54. Which substance is liquid at room
55. Which of these is negatively
56. What happens to volume of water
when it freezes:
increases by 1/10
57. Which party has the highest no. of
seats in senate after 2012 elections
58.Amir khan is ?:
British National
60. Age of son was 1/3 of his father 5
years back if current age is 30 then father's age?
80( now)
61.x:3=4:6 then x=2
62.no of student in a class is 30 3/5
are girls boys will be?
63.A student gets 68 marks and
therefore gets 85% total marks are?:
64.diamond is a:
material noun
65. Police?:
diverted the route
66. Mean of 10, 30, y, and 50 is * *50
then y=110.
67. Smallest natural no:
68.Smallest prime no:
69.30% of total amount is left after
spending 280 rupees , total amount is:4000.
70. Perimeter of a square is 20cm
length of one side shall be?:5 cm
71. In absence of facts we can ?:
72) 10x10 (that star is actually
power of 10 as zero,i dont know how to insert zero)= right option was
73) 2,6,18,54,_____ answer was 162 in next
74)A man has 180 pens and 9 of them are blue ,how much % has he blue pens.correct answer was 5% but there was 6% so non of these was right.
75) a boy has 68 marks that is 85% ,what were total marks??
88) 85) 80) non of these??i wrote non of these
76) a man bought a thing on 120 rupees and he has 25% discount.what is actual price he paid?
77) 95) 120) non of these) 90was correct answer
78). Smallest Natural Number? 1
79) Smallest Prime Number? 2
80) Five years ago, age of father was thrice the age of son. If son is 30 years old now, whats the current age of father? 80
81) 30% amount of total is left after spending 280 rupees. what was the amount before spending? 400
73) 2,6,18,54,_____ answer was 162 in next
74)A man has 180 pens and 9 of them are blue ,how much % has he blue pens.correct answer was 5% but there was 6% so non of these was right.
75) a boy has 68 marks that is 85% ,what were total marks??
88) 85) 80) non of these??i wrote non of these
76) a man bought a thing on 120 rupees and he has 25% discount.what is actual price he paid?
77) 95) 120) non of these) 90was correct answer
78). Smallest Natural Number? 1
79) Smallest Prime Number? 2
80) Five years ago, age of father was thrice the age of son. If son is 30 years old now, whats the current age of father? 80
81) 30% amount of total is left after spending 280 rupees. what was the amount before spending? 400
82). Mean of 10, 30, Y, and 50 is 50.
Y is? 110
83). Boy can type 1350 words in 30
minutes, how many he could type in 5 minutes? 225
84). Perimeter of Square is 20,
Length of one side is? 5cm
85)number of student in a class is
30. 3/5 are girls. then how many boys are there in class ? girls are
18 then boys are 12.
86)X:3=4:6 then x = ? 2.
87)32-15*2+3= ? 5.
88)Afridi is one of those who never
submits to the miseries of his life.( something like this was given=
89)- Shrimps are available in the market,...... they are good source of earning foreign exchange.
89)- Shrimps are available in the market,...... they are good source of earning foreign exchange.
90) In absence of facts we
can-----about the real reason.
1) Conclude 2) deduce 3) deduct 4) infer -------------------conclude correct
91) He set two alarms so as to-----that he woke up on time?
a) Assure b) reassure c)ensure D)confim ---------------confirm is correct
1) Conclude 2) deduce 3) deduct 4) infer -------------------conclude correct
91) He set two alarms so as to-----that he woke up on time?
a) Assure b) reassure c)ensure D)confim ---------------confirm is correct
92) The word round in "He took
round in" is----parts of speech?
a) verb b) noun c) adjective------------- round is a adjective
a) verb b) noun c) adjective------------- round is a adjective
93 where is the siachin
glacier a)boltistan
94. what is the clinical use for
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